With more than one in four teens nationally dropping out before they finish high school, there clearly exists a need to help these young people get on track toward becoming balanced and productive members of society.

Holistic Healing — Integrative Living — Spiritual Purpose

The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults provides disadvantaged and socially-disappointed individuals with hope through integrative healing, rather than institutional treatment. By providing counselors and mentors for each individual enrolled in our programs, we provide individualized care that answers each person's unique need for recognition and spiritual fulfillment.

Experienced counselors are role models who assist the participants in gaining control over their inner selves and letting go of old patterns of behavior as they embark on self-mastery. In contrast to seeing themselves in a stereotyped and hyped image, the opportunity is given to learn from an elder or from their inner source of truth. Great satisfaction comes from striving for noble goals without competition or basing one's self-worth on material "success."

Young girl with a small horse.
Young man playing guitar on stage.
Girl reading.

The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults offers its resident participants a structured environment, built upon a schedule of shared daily activities in an EcoVillage living environment with regular prayer and community worship.

All of the services provided to the participants are designed to encourage a more responsible, virtuous life and include: psycho-social assessment, counseling, life-skills training, educational tutoring or classes, vocational training apprenticeships, and artistic, musical, theatrical, and dance activities.

Our living and learning facility is located 45-minutes south of Tucson in Tumacácori, Arizona.

The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults is a drug-free, medication-free, spiritual program. We do not believe in the use of any psychotropic drugs for mental healing.

Teenage boy working in a wood shop.
Youth participants working in green house.

If you feel you need transitional psychotropic drugs, you need to find the appropriate program. And then apply to us when you fully transition off those drugs.

The only prescribed drugs that are allowed are for insulin and diabetic medications, organ transplant medications, antibiotics, medications for surgeries, heart medications, gland medications, certain vaccines, aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen.

We do not believe in Ambian for sleep, but rather melatonin, if needed.

We do believe in the use of CBD and medical THC, upon a doctor's recommendation.

Van of Urantia

Van of Urantia

Co-Founder and Spiritual Director
Theology, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Van of Urantia began his lifelong commitment to doing God's will at the age of twenty-four. Over the course of his ministry he has served the homeless, runaways, drug addicts, alcoholics, and those damaged by society or early family life.
In the early 1970's Van worked as a counselor with the halfway house program of Nicky Cruz's Homes/Teen Challenge Programs in Huntington West Virginia & Fayetteville, North Carolina.
In the mid 1970's he was a counselor for one year with Reverend Pete Perterson's Lost and Found Ministries on 4th Avenue in Tucson, Arizona.

For CENTRUM of Hollywood Van was a counselor with 24-hour help line.

He has years of experience in working with and rehabilitating street people and prostitutes.

Van was a counselor for 6 months for Brother Phil's foundation, Angel Flight in Los Angeles, California which was located upstairs from the Downtown Gospel Rescue Mission.

In Dallas and Tyler, Texas, he was a student trades craftsmen, counselor and street minister for Youth with A Mission (directed by Bill Frances). He consulted with Keith Green, Director of Last Day's Ministries and a musician (now deceased). He also counseled with and received a life prophecy from David Wilkerson of Teen Challenge Programs. This handwritten prophecy is framed and hangs in his office today.

Van was also a volunteer chaplain of the Pima County Sheriff's Department where he worked with the pre-trial release program, and he ran his own halfway house on 4th Avenue in Tucson, Arizona. He has counseled in the jails and on the streets.

He works with not only teens but adults who have been addicted for years. One of his missions, which continues to this day, is to reach people who are oppressed or feel alone and frightened. He is dedicated to enabling them to develop their faith and walk with God and fulfill their destiny purpose. Van believes that those who enter his programs are not to be institutionalized. He has no dorms where they all live as he believes in assimilating them into community families where they are treated like family.

Van's program is probably the best kept secret in rehabilitation in the United States.


"To me the Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program is an opportunity for troubled teens to gain a more spiritual perspective on life while learning some important skills such as organic gardening, animal husbandry, carpentry, plumbing, home-making skills, etc. that give them more of a sense of self-worth and an ability to function more fully in life. The program also provides them with opportunities to learn from and interact with their mentors who have, through long experience, gained some mastery over their own lives."

~ Arlin Munro, Program Counselor
Arlin Munro with teenage young man in the PIRP program.
Young girl in a field looking at the camera.
"Before enrolling in the Personality Integration Rehabilitation program I was confused, depressed and even suicidal at times. The program's counselors guided me through a process of learning the value of becoming who I truly am and provided me with both a spiritual perspective on my life and with training in real world skills. I learned that "finding myself" is okay and that I could safely take off the masks and put down my guard."

~ Jone, San Bernadino, CA

Within the community home where the resident participant resides, a household coordinator and religious order members provide coordinated sources of support and companionship. The participant's daily interactions and individually-designed program foster a sense of usefulness and a growing recognition of and personal relationship with God. Participants do not use or possess intoxicating substances or tobacco products during the length of enrollment in the program.

The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults located in Tumacácori, Arizona serves people from diverse backgrounds. Many of the participants have been socially disappointed or have been unable to conform to the injustice of Western society. Many on the Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults who have been through tragic divorces, loss of loved ones, and/or other childhood traumas that affect their emotional and psychospiritual life are unable to get a proper education or acquire skills.

Our music program is a vital tool for rehabilitation, and we encourage all of our program participants to play an instrument. If you have an instrument you are not using of any kind, please consider donating to our rehabilitation program.

Women smiling in front of pond.
Elder Arlin with young man.
Girl smiling.

Our Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults is likened to no other rehabilitation established to date. Our approach to aiding an individual is recognizing, first, what the addictions/patterns are, and then designing a method for changing those habits. A program is written specifically for each individual, with great care and consideration, by a team of qualified professionals who work toward the goal of recovery. Like any other program, however, the success rate is wholly dependent on the intentions, co-operation and hard work of the person who is seeking such a change. There is a tremendous effort by both parties to meet this goal.

The key element in any program is healing the soul. What sets the Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults apart from any other program is having the ability to receive information about the soul patterns and the lifetimes of information that will allow a person to discover on a much deeper level those things preventing them from actualizing a destiny purpose and thus healing the physical, mental, and emotional bodies as they follow suit.

Teens studying the Urantia Book.

Faith, trust, and the attitude of gratitude are necessary elements of our work. These qualities will naturally unfold as one heals and comes into the higher recognition of this 'resident' program and higher culture. This is an 'integrated' method. It is not a six-week, six-month, or even six-year program. The length of the program is dependent on the progress of each soul and his/her ability to choose a personal program of healing through hard work, compliance and service. There are many programs. Everyone is on an individualized program and it is important for one person not to compare him/herself to the individualized program of another.

We expect full cooperation and the assurance of every individual to accept our counsel and his/her specific program whole-heartedly. This is the only condition that will impress us and give us the level of trust to build this rehabilitation program for your specific needs. We provide each applicant with a loving family environment.

The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults includes agricultural and spiritual training components for each individualized program. Resident participants are supported by the presence and example of the members of PIRP. Service in EcoVillage living and learning pervades every part of daily life and guides the policies and practices of the community and its members. Working with the earth is a healing principle of the program.

A recognition of the Fatherhood of God and the brother-/sisterhood of humankind provides the spiritual commonality and strength to underscore the effectiveness of the program. The Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for Teens, Young Adults, & Adults aspires to develop people who are prepared to meet the challenges and responsibilities of a God-directed life.

Man with cowboy hat smiling.
Teenage girls hugging.
Young man reading a book.
Girl with a handful of red seeds sitting in a field.
Boy painting.
young woman spinning in a blue dress.
Children playing amidst the sunset.
Young man handling concrete.
Young man holding a baby calf.
A man doing a handstand
A young man working with straw.
People playing soccer.
Young man workng with a horse's shoe.
People harvesting melons.

Avalon Gardens

People working in crop fields.
Young man planting in the soil.

Avalon Organic Gardens and EcoVillage is a 220-acre farm and ranch located in Tumacácori, Arizona, approximately 45 miles south of Tucson.

Avalon Gardens is home to the Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program for at-risk youth, and also serves the public as a model of agricultural stewardship and sustainability practices.

Young woman walking down a country road next to plants.
Girls high-fiving.

Preserving Cultural History and Serving the Southern Arizona Region:

The European history of the Santa Cruz Valley rightfully begins in 1691 with the arrival of Father Eusebio Francisco Kino, the Jesuit priest and explorer who distinguished himself as one of the only Spanish missionaries ever to foster harmonious relations between the native peoples and the white settlers. During his lifetime he established more than twenty missions among the O'odham peoples of the Pimería Alta between 1687 and 1711.

On the land that is now known as Avalon Organic Gardens and EcoVillage, Father Kino founded the Mission San Cayetano de Tumacácori in what was then a Native American village inhabited by the Sobaipuri, directly to the east and across the Santa Cruz River from what is now the Mission de Tumacácori Historic National Park.

We understand the Sobaipuri were an agrarian culture that relied on the waters of the nearby Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers to farm their crops of corn, beans and squash and were a linguistically-related branch of the modern day Tohono O'odham people.

View of fields at avalon organic gardens.
Harvestng Wheat at Avalon Organic Gardens

Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program volunteer-staff members strive to carry the spirit of Father Kino's benevolent character in all of their relations and participants and volunteer-staff alike seek to honor the agricultural traditions of this land in their program activities.

To this end, we recently joined a coalition of other local farmers, millers and bakers to help revive two of the oldest grain varieties adapted to the arid Southwest: Chapalote Flint Corn and White Sonora Soft Bread Wheat, the original varieties of their species to be cultivated in the Arizona deserts as farmed crops. This work was supported through a collaborative grant provided by Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, WSARE, a funding program of USDA.

Avalon Gardens is owned and managed by Global Community Communications Alliance, an IRS Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN number 74-2553156 founded in Arizona on September 5, 1989.

Aerial shot of the PIRP campus - Avalon Organic Gardens

Letters of appreciation from those familiar with our work:

view the letters of support
  • USDA Logo
  • University of Arizona Logo
  • Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Logo
  • Mexicayotl Academy Logo
  • Mariposa Community Health Center Logo

Contact Us!

For additional information and admissions inquiries please contact:


Or mail to: P.O. Box 4910 Tubac, AZ 85646